The act of kindness that changed our lives
My name is Ricardo, I’m 38 years old, and a single father of four children. For the past four months, our home has been an improvised tent on the streets of the city.
It hasn’t been easy, but I do my best to make sure my kids have at least one meal a day and a smile on their faces.
One day, while walking to the gas station to buy something for the kids to eat, I witnessed a scene that left me deeply upset.
An elderly man stood in front of the cashier, holding a few trembling coins in his hand. He looked at the attendant, embarrassed, and said:
— Please, I’m just short by this little amount. I promise I’ll pay the rest next time.
The attendant shook his head firmly.
— I can’t allow that, sir. It’s the rules.
People in line began to lose their patience.
— Hurry up, old man!" shouted a man in a rush.
— If you don’t have money, why did you even come here?,- grumbled another woman.
The old man lowered his head, visibly ashamed. He began to leave slowly, but something inside me rebelled. It was unfair! I knew what it was like to be in need and treated like you’re invisible.
— Hey, wait!, - I called out, walking up to the cashier.
The old man turned, surprised.
— How much is missing?, -I asked the attendant.
— Ten reais, - he replied, with disdain.
I took the little money I still had in my pocket and paid. It was literally the last I had, but I didn’t care.
— Here you go. Now you can take what you need,- I said.
The old man’s eyes filled with tears.
— I... I don’t know how to thank you. May God bless you, my son.
— No need to thank me,- I replied. Just take care of yourself.
I left the gas station empty-handed, but my heart was at peace. When I returned to the tent, my kids were waiting for me with smiles.
I didn’t tell them what had happened, but something inside me said that act of kindness wouldn’t be forgotten.
Two days later, while I was tidying up our things, I heard someone calling me:
— Ricardo?
I looked back and saw the elderly man from the gas station, accompanied by a well-dressed man.
— Hi... what are you doing here? ,- I asked, confused.
The elderly man smiled.
— This is my son, Eduardo. After what you did for me, I told him about your generosity. He wants to speak with you.
Eduardo extended his hand.
— My father told me your story. I was impressed by your kindness, especially given your circumstances. I own a construction company and, if you’re interested, I can offer you a job.
Tears welled up in my eyes. It was the chance to start over.
— I... I don’t know what to say. Yes, I accept!
Eduardo smiled.
— Additionally, we have a small vacant apartment. You and your children can stay there while you get back on your feet.
The kids jumped with joy upon hearing that. I hugged them tightly, feeling immense gratitude.
That night, as I tucked my kids into bed in our new home, I thought about how much life can change with a simple act of kindness. What seemed like a sacrifice ended up being the gateway to a better future.
And now, every time I see someone in need, I remember how a small gesture can transform lives.